[mythtv-users] 0.28 upgrade issue frontend connection

Douglas Peale Douglas_Peale at comcast.net
Mon Jul 18 00:06:40 UTC 2016

On 07/17/2016 04:55 PM, Mark Perkins wrote:
>> Mythweb reports the following on every page:
>>    Error
>> Unable to connect to the master backend at
>> Is it running?
>> Strangely, it worked when I first set it up, but stopped working after
>> the computer was re-booted. Same with live TV, worked
>> once, never after the system had been re-booted.
>> The back end is reporting these errors when I attempt liveTV:
>> Jul 17 10:27:48 Compromise mythbackend: mythbackend[1425]: E TVRecEvent
>> dtvmultiplex.cpp:379 (ParseTuningParams) DTVMux:
>> ParseTuningParams -- Unknown tuner type = 0xffffffff80000000
>> Jul 17 10:27:48 Compromise mythbackend: mythbackend[1425]: E TVRecEvent
>> recorders/dtvchannel.cpp:299 (SetChannelByString)
>> DTVChan[1](10401F3E-0): SetChannelByString(2.1): Failed to initialize
>> multiplex options
>> Jul 17 10:27:48 Compromise mythbackend: mythbackend[1425]: E TVRecEvent
>> tv_rec.cpp:3763 (TuningFrequency) TVRec[1]: Failed to
>> set channel to 2.1. Reverting to kState_None
>> All 10 of my HDHomeRun tuners (5 boxes 2 original, and 3 version 4, two
>> tuners each) work fine with HDHomeRun Config GUI.
>> I have tried deleting and re-creating the tuners in MythBackendSetup
>> with no improvement.
> Re the HDHomeRun tuners, probably best to start a new thread as i have no experience with them, but it is most likely config error. Specifically (well potentially based on quick search) that you have enabled multirec when mythtv doesnt support multirec with some HDHomeRun models.
> Re mythweb, what is the contents of your mythweb.conf file? Try find /etc -name mythweb.conf to locate.

Multi-rec was working on all tuners prior to my installing Mint 18. I'll go turn off multi-rec and see if that helps.

$ cat mythweb.conf
# Apache configuration directives for MythWeb.  Please read INSTALL for setup
# requirements and troubleshooting, along with the comments in this file.

# If you intend to use authentication for MythWeb (see below), you will
# probably also want to uncomment the following rules, which disable
# authentication for MythWeb's download URLs so you can properly stream
# to media players that don't work with authenticated servers.
#    <LocationMatch .*/pl/stream/[0-9]+/[0-9]+>
#        Allow from all
#    </LocationMatch>
#    <LocationMatch .*/music/stream.php>
#        Allow from all
#    </LocationMatch>

#    /var/www
#    /home/www/htdocs
#    /var/www/html/mythweb/mythweb
#    /srv/www/htdocs/mythweb
    <Directory "/var/www/html/mythweb/data">
        # For Apache 2.2
        #Options -All +FollowSymLinks +IncludesNoExec
        # For Apache 2.4+
        Options +FollowSymLinks +IncludesNoExec
    <Directory "/var/www/html/mythweb" >

    # I *strongly* urge you to turn on authentication for MythWeb.  It is disabled
    # by default because it requires you to set up your own password file.  Please
    # see the man page for htdigest and then configure the following four directives
    # to suit your authentication needs.
    #    AuthType           Digest
    #    AuthName           "MythTV"
    #    AuthUserFile       /var/www/htdigest
    #    Require            valid-user
    #    BrowserMatch       "MSIE"      AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On
    #    Order              allow,deny
    #    Satisfy            any
    #  * If you're running Apache earlier than 2.2, you will need to use
    #    the AuthDigestFile command instead of AuthUserFile (3rd line above).
    # Some special instructions for the MythWeb controller files
        <Files mythweb.*>

        # Use the following environment settings to tell MythWeb where you want it to
        # look to connect to the database, the name of the database to connect to, and
        # the authentication info to use to connect.  The defaults will usually work
        # fine unless you've changed mythtv's mysql.txt file, or are running MythWeb on
        # a different server from your main backend.  Make sure you have mod_env enabled.
        # This is unneeded due to the upnp setup via the backend
    setenv db_server        "localhost"
    setenv db_name          "mythconverg"
    setenv db_login         "mythtv"
    setenv db_password      "b0RhwvPj"

        # By default, MythWeb uses the hostname program to look up the hostname of the
        # machine it runs on.  If this reports incorrect data, or you run MythWeb on a
        # machine without the hostname program, set this to your current hostname.
        #   setenv hostname         "my_mythbox"

        # By default, php will always search the current directory for include files,
        # but if you wish to install these directories outside of the current path
        # (eg. for security reasons), set this variable to the directory that
        # contains the directories like languages and templates.  eg.
        #   setenv include_path      "/usr/share/mythweb"

        # If you want MythWeb to email php/database errors (and a backtrace) to you,
        # uncomment and set the email address below.
        #   setenv error_email       "mythweb_errors at example.com"

        # If your local file system is something other than UTF-8, set this variable
        # so that the music and video portions of MythWeb can provide proper links
        # to your downloadable files.
        #   setenv fs_encoding       "ISO-8859-1"


    # The following settings relate to PHP config.

        <Files *.php>

        #  These settings are intended for apache 2.x.  If your version of apache
        #  doesn't support php_value, or things like memory_limit aren't working
        #  as expected, then use these settings as examples for your own php.ini
        #  files.
#            php_value safe_mode                     0
#            php_value register_globals              0
#            php_value magic_quotes_gpc              0
            php_value file_uploads                  0
            php_value allow_url_fopen               On

            php_value zlib.output_handler           Off
#            php_value output_handler                NULL

        # If you have a large number of channels, you may need to increase
        # this value to prevent PHP from running out of memory during
        # searches.  The default is 64M.
            php_value memory_limit                  64M
#            php_value memory_limit                  128M
#            php_value memory_limit                  256M
#            php_value memory_limit                  512M

        # If you have a large number of channels, php may timeout creating
        # complex pages, so you will need to increase the amount of time
        # php has to create the page. The default is 30 seconds.
            php_value max_execution_time 30
#            php_value max_execution_time 60
#            php_value max_execution_time 120

        # Note: php_flag does not work in older versions of php
#            php_flag output_handler                 "NULL"

            php_value display_startup_errors        On
            php_value display_errors                On


    # The settings below relate specifically to mod_rewrite and the rewrite
    # engine used to make the MythWeb user experience a little easier to deal
    # with by simplifying the URLs needed to access the various sections.  Do
    # not touch these settings unless you really know what you're doing..

    # Turn on the rewrite engine
        RewriteEngine  on

    # If MythWeb is installed outside of the document root (eg. using Alias) then
    # you will need to set this directive to the base URL that MythWeb is visible
    # from externally.  If you do not, the web server will return 'not found'.
    #    RewriteBase    /mythweb

    # Skip out early if we've already been through rewrites,
    # or if this is a /css/, /js/ or /cache/ directory request.
        RewriteRule    ^(css|data|images|js|themes|skins|README|INSTALL|[a-z_]+\.(php|pl))(/|$)     -     [L]

    # Redirect /pl/ requests to the perl cgi handler.
        RewriteRule     ^(pl(/.*)?)$            mythweb.pl/$1               [QSA,L]

    # Redirect most of the remaining URL requests to the main mythweb script.
    # It will then handle any requests given to it.
        RewriteRule     ^(.+)$                  mythweb.php/$1              [QSA,L]

    # If you're experiencing trouble with the previous two lines in your copy of
    # apache, you could instead use something like:
    #    RewriteRule     ^(pl(/.*)?)$           mythweb.pl?PATH_INFO=/$1    [L,QSA]
    #    RewriteRule     ^(.+)$                 mythweb.php?PATH_INFO=/$1   [L,QSA]

    # Catch anything else that comes through and send it to mythweb.php with no parameters.
        RewriteRule     ^(.*)$                  mythweb.php                 [QSA,L]

    # You really shouldn't need to edit anything below this line, so please
    # don't unless you know what you're doing.

    # Allow .htaccess to override whatever it wants from the server config.
        AllowOverride   All

    # Allow browsers to follow symlinks that point outside of the web document
    # tree.  This is how we access music, videos, etc.
        Options         FollowSymLinks

    # MythTV now uses the correct file suffix for mpeg files, so all .nuv files
    # should actually be NuppleVideo.  However, apache probably doesn't know what
    # those are, so we should tell it.
        AddType video/nuppelvideo   .nuv

    # Specify the MIME type for favicon.ico in case the server configuration
    # doesn't or in case the server configuration uses the IANA-approved MIME type
    # (image/vnd.microsoft.icon)--which most browsers won't recognize.
        AddType image/x-icon        .ico

    # Enable mod_deflate.  This works MUCH more reliably than PHP's built-in
    # gzip/Zlib compressors.  It is disabled here because many distros seem not
    # to enable mod_deflate by default, but I strongly recommend that you
    # enable this section.
    #    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
    #    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
    #    BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
    #    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript

    # This is helpful for mod_deflate -- it prevents proxies from changing
    # the user agent to/from this server, which can prevent compression from
    # being enabled.  It is disabled here because many distros seem not to
    # enable mod_headers by default, but I recommend that you enable it.
    #    Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary

    # Set up the perl handler so we can stream properly.  Do not use mod_perl
    # because it has a tendency to hold onto child processes, which causes
    # problems if the browser closes on an in-progress stream.
        <Files *.pl>
            SetHandler cgi-script
            Options +ExecCGI


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