[mythtv-users] Channel Icons

Kirk Bocek t004 at kbocek.com
Wed Jun 10 20:17:25 UTC 2015

On 6/10/2015 11:07 AM, Bill Meek wrote:
>  If the BE is running as mythtv, as you mentioned yours is,
> then the built-in ChannelIcons Storage Group will automatically look 
> in ~mythtv/.mythtv/channels

No, the BE is running as root, with the icons in /root/.mythtv/channels

> Others choose to place the icons in a directory unrelated to a 
> specific user, and for them
> manually adding a ChannelIcons Storage Group with their own choice of 
> Storage Directory works.

Well is that what I need to do? Is this an issue related to my FE and BE 
running as different users?

> Test with this from your browser (it's what the BE, mythweb and 
> WebFrontend (0.28-pre) use):
> yourBackend:6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=oneOfYourChannelIds

Nope, nothing. Also no error. Just a blank browser window. But port 6544 
*is* up and working.

> Since you just got a fresh copy of the icons, they should be 
> (correctly) stored in the DB as
> filenames only. No full paths as with earlier versions of MythTV. If 
> that's not true, then the
> above test from your browser will fail.

I looked at the DB. Channels has just the file name.

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