[mythtv-users] Changing default player to vlc doesn't take.

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 00:13:06 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 11:53 AM, A. F. Cano <afc at shibaya.lonestar.org>

> Hi,
> New myth installation on an ECS Liva/Debian Jessie (Myth 0.27.4+fixes from
> deb-multimedia).  This was a minimal installation, no add-ons and left all
> defaults as much as possible.  The video files go into /video/mythtv.
> Since I discovered that vlc can play at higher speeds without cutting off
> the sound (what a time saver for talk shows!) the default player seems
> crippled, so I looked around and found this:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1560009
> but it's 5 years old so I suspect the problems discussed shouldn't apply.
> This official page:
> https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/VLC
> gives the procedure.  I tried both: "vlc file://%s vlc://quit" and
> "vlc %s vlc://quit" (Setup -> Media Settings -> Videos Settings ->
> Player Settings: Default Player): Same result.  The change didn't
> seem to take, the default/builtin player is still used.  I don't want
> to hard-wire any of the vlc options as described in this page; vlc
> works just fine as it is outside of myth.  Myth works just fine with
> the default/internal player.
> What am I missing?  I see no error messages being generated by either the
> frontend or backend.  Is anyone running vlc as the default player
> successfully?
> Thanks for any help.

I don't think you can use an external player with storage groups.

You do realise the myth native player can speed up playback?

> A.
> PS: I'm really happy with the performance of the Liva.  I'm currently using
> a so-so monitor (1280x1024) but I can't max out cpu usage even when
> watching
> 1080i at higher speeds than normal (with vlc).  The kernel seems to do a
> great
> job using the 2 cores (per the kde system load viewer applet).  1080i with
> the default player also leaves some cpu headroom.  I gather that the
> meterial
> is being transcoded on the fly to the lower (720p) resolution I can
> display.

Not transocded no, just rendered scaled taking into account whatever
dimensions your monitor is.

> Compared to the old system (1.4GHz single core and nvidia 4200 GPU) that
> couldn't keep up with 720p, this is a vast improvement.  I only have one
> tuner (OTA) but the backend is also on this system.
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