[mythtv-users] Which nvidia cards to currently avoid?

Ian Evans dheianevans at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 19:58:31 UTC 2015

As stated in the thread "Emergency video debug" it looks like my video card
has gone to the big mythbox in the sky.

I'm looking at lower-priced video cards (my budget right now) and I'm
seeing a lot of 610s, 620s, 630s and 710s, 720s and 730s in the sub $100
range. Even some 210s.

Are any of these any good? My current card (may it rest in peace) is a GT
430 that I paid about 74 Cdn for. What's comparable these days?

I'm in North America. Mostly OTA recordings. 1080 TV.

Thanks for any advice. Needless to say the WAF is really low right now. :-)
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