[mythtv-users] Cannot transcode H.264 recording

Yianni yiannividalis at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 22 22:23:32 UTC 2014

> Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:38:45 +0100
> From: hikavdh at gmail.com
> To: mythtv-users at mythtv.org
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Cannot transcode H.264 recording
> Hoi Yianni,
> Do you also have the needed external libraries/codecs installed?
> Tot mails,
> Hika mailto:hikavdh at gmail.com
> "Zonder hoop kun je niet leven
> Zonder leven is er geen hoop
> Het eeuwige dilemma
> Zeker als je hoop moet vernietigen om te kunnen overleven!"
> De lerende Mens

Hi, Hika,

If you are referring to the "devel" versions necessary for compiling mythtv, I do. The result of ./configure --previous is:
al2kpro:/home/mythtv/mythtv-git/mythtv # ./configure --previous
Options:     --prefix=/usr --enable-libfaac --enable-nonfree --enable-proc-opt --enable-audio-alsa --enable-dvb --disable-hdhomerun --disable-joystick-menu --disable-xv --disable-firewire --enable-vdpau --enable-libfftw3 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --disable-mythlogserver --compile-type=release 
# Basic Settings
Compile type              release
Compiler cache            yes
DistCC                    no
qmake                     /usr/bin/qmake
install prefix            /usr
runtime prefix            /usr
CPU                       x86 x86_64 (model name        : AMD Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 5050e)
yasm                      yes
MMX enabled               yes
MMXEXT enabled            yes
3DNow! enabled            yes
3DNow! extended enabled   yes
SSE enabled               yes
SSSE3 enabled             yes
AVX enabled               yes
XOP enabled               yes
FMA3 enabled              yes
FMA4 enabled              yes
i686 features enabled     yes

# Input Support
Joystick menu             no
lirc support              yes
libCEC device support     no [/usr/include]
Video4Linux support       yes
ivtv support              yes
HD-PVR support            yes
FireWire support          no
DVB support               yes [/usr/include]
DVB-S2 support            yes
HDHomeRun support         no
Ceton support             yes
ASI support               no

# Sound Output Support
PulseAudio support        no
OSS support               yes
ALSA support              yes
JACK support              default
libfftw3 support          yes

# Video Output Support
x11 support               yes
xrandr support            yes
xv support                no
VDPAU support             yes
VAAPI support             no
CrystalHD support         no
OpenGL video              yes
MHEG support              yes
libass subtitle support   yes

# Misc Features
multi threaded libavcodec yes
libxml2 support           yes [/usr/include/libxml2]
libdns_sd (Bonjour)       no
libcrypto                 yes
Frontend                  yes
Backend                   yes
OpenGL ES 2.0             no
mythlogserver             no

# Bindings
bindings_perl             yes
bindings_python           yes
bindings_php              yes

# External Codec Options
mp3lame                   yes
faac                      yes
xvid                      yes
x264                      yes
vpx                       no
SDL                       no

Creating libs/libmythbase/mythconfig.h and libs/libmythbase/mythconfig.mak

WARNING: When using --enable-proc-opt you must include the 
         output of ./configure along with any bug report.

libs/libmythbase/mythconfig.h is unchanged
libs/libmythbase/mythconfig.mak is unchanged
external/FFmpeg/config.asm is unchanged
external/FFmpeg/libavutil/avconfig.h is unchanged
Configuring qjson...
Configuring libmythbluray...
Configuring libmythdvdnav...
Configuring libsamplerate...
Configuring minilzo...
Configuring libmythsoundtouch...
al2kpro:/home/mythtv/mythtv-git/mythtv # 

I have no problem watching the recordings.

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