[mythtv-users] tuner numbering

Daryl McDonald darylangela at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 19:30:06 UTC 2014

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Roger Siddons <dizygotheca at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 01 Mar 2014 23:55:26 -0000, Bill Meek <keemllib at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 03/01/2014 03:15 PM, Hika van den Hoven wrote:
>> ...
>> > Seems OK. I then have one thought left. rename the directories to
>>> adapterHP1250 and adapterPC800i. It is theoretically possible that
>>> mythtv looks for names starting with adapter.
>>> If that doesn't work, I'm out of thoughts for now.
>> I believe it's better than theoretical if you also add .../frontend*,
>> see:
>> https://code.mythtv.org/cgit/mythtv/tree/mythtv/libs/libmythtv/cardutil.cpp#n292
>> Looks any /dev/dvb/adapter*/frontend* would be included in the list
>> of returned DVB devices. So, /dev/dvb/adapterHP1250/frontend0 would
>> work, although I didn't test it.
> I can confirm it. Well done Hika and Bill ! This was really bugging me...
> When I set my system up, I happened to use "adapter_nova1" etc. for purely
> stylistic reasons and have never had any issues. But when I reproduced
> Daryl's problem I used a dummy adapter called "test". After renaming it to
> "adapter_test" it now shows up in the list and 'sticks'.
> I believe it's an issue with the Capture Cards dialog. If you type the name
> in, it gets written to the database and Myth functions correctly but
> thereafter the dialog won't report the card adapter correctly, simply
> defaulting to displaying adapter0 (the symlink is actually using adapter2).
> Any edits (changing multirec, for example), results in a new card being
> created on adapter0, which is already linked to an input. So setup now
> reports 2 cards (test and adapter0) but the frontend only sees 1 (test),
> which works fine. Presumably the database has been cross-linked/corrupted.
> IMHO this naming requirement should be added to the wiki at
> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Device_Filenames_and_udev. Any takers ?
> Of course, all the examples do use "adapter*" but it doesn't state anywhere
> that this is essential.
> Incidentally I also found that LiveTV only works if there are links defined
> for frontend0, dvr0 and demux0. Not sure what net0 is used for.
> So Daryl, for the avoidance of doubt, these are the latest recommendations:
> SUBSYSTEM=="dvb", ATTRS{device}=="0x8852", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'K=%k;
> K=$${K#dvb}; printf dvb/adapterHP1250/%%s $${K#*.}; exit 0'", SYMLINK+="%c"
> SUBSYSTEM=="dvb", ATTRS{device}=="0x8802", PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c 'K=%k;
> K=$${K#dvb}; printf dvb/adapterPC800i/%%s $${K#*.}; exit 0'", SYMLINK+="%c"
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Lots of recordings today, but I changed the digital-card.rules as
suggested. There is a break in recordings between 4 and 5 pm, when
I'll go in and prove the theory on my box, and report back.
Afterwards, I think it's only fair that I be the one to amend  the
wiki. Which one is it? And is there a wiki for amending a wiki?
Seriously, I feel indebted but I'm not sure how to proceed.   Thanks
to all,  Daryl

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