[mythtv-users] mythbackend startscript broken on fedora 19

mythtvuser at vandrosthagen.net mythtvuser at vandrosthagen.net
Sun Mar 2 12:13:44 UTC 2014

Hello there,

Since last week i updated my mythtv setup to version 0.27 on fedora and all is well. It was verry scary because i am using iptv and on 0.25 en 0.26 it was really broken that is why i stayed on 0.24..;) But can say iptv is working like a charm in 0.27.

But now my problem.. After i installed everyting all was working well the only failure i have is that mythbackend is not starting on boot. The problem i have with it is that if i start the script mythackend gets an error 

2014-03-02 13:09:09.269457 N [25523/25523] thread_unknown mythdirs.cpp:55 (InitializeMythDirs) - Using runtime prefix = /usr
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269461 N [25523/25523] thread_unknown mythdirs.cpp:61 (InitializeMythDirs) - Read conf dir = /var/lib/mythtv
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269476 N [25523/25523] thread_unknown mythdirs.cpp:68 (InitializeMythDirs) - Using configuration directory = /var/lib/mythtv
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269537 I [25523/25523] CoreContext mythcorecontext.cpp:249 (Init) - Assumed character encoding: en_US.UTF-8
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269692 E [25523/25523] CoreContext mythdbparams.cpp:39 (IsValid) - DBHostName is not set in config.xml
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269703 E [25523/25523] CoreContext mythdbparams.cpp:39 (IsValid) - DBHostName is not set in config.xml
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269710 N [25523/25523] CoreContext mythcontext.cpp:504 (LoadDatabaseSettings) - Empty LocalHostName.
2014-03-02 13:09:09.269713 I [25523/25523] CoreContext mythcontext.cpp:512 (LoadDatabaseSettings) - Using localhost value of mythtv
2014-03-02 13:09:09.275498 E [25523/25523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:216 (OpenDatabase) - Unable to connect to database!
2014-03-02 13:09:09.275509 E [25523/25523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:217 (OpenDatabase) - Driver error was [1/1045]:
QMYSQL: Unable to connect
Database error was:
Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

But when i start mythbackend manual under the user mythtv with the command " /usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logpath /var/log/mythtv" everything is working fine.

I saw during startup in the log that the script was looking for config in the /var/lib/mythtv so i thought ok the files like mysql.txt and config.xml are in my setup under /home/mythtv/.mythtv so decided to softlink the dir .mythtv to /var/lib/mythtv/.mythtv but no luck.. Still i get the error above.

Secondly the script i use is still an old startupscript because fedora decided to go to services.. I was wondering does anybody have an working services startup script or has figured out how to get the mythbackend script to run?

Thanks for the help so far

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