[mythtv-users] Resolved by itself?: Myth machine hangs

Dick Steffens dick at dicksteffens.com
Fri Jul 18 20:11:39 UTC 2014

On 07/18/2014 12:54 PM, R. G. Newbury wrote:
> On 16/07/14 02:48 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
>> On 06/22/2014 10:22 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
>>> I'm running Ubuntu 12.02 on the machine on which I run MythTV, both
>>> back end and front end. (Note: this is not mythbuntu exactly, but the
>>> garden variety Ubuntu 12.02 with Gnome fall back (or whatever it was
>>> called -- not Unity). Normally I let the machine run 24/7. Over the
>>> past few days I've turned the TV on and found that the machine is
>>> hung. I get no response to the remote control, or the wireless USB
>>> keyboard. I tried connecting with ssh from another machine without
>>> success. The only thing that I've tried that works is to force a power
>>> down and then restart.
> I have seen this on the "testing" setup on the desktop here at work. I 
> strongly suspect that it has something to do with acpi ordered 
> power-down states. Not hibernation or suspect, but a setting which 
> reduces power usage when the machine is not touched for a period of time.
> And certain programs such as myth do not seem to recover gracefully. 
> It may be some sort of race condition between/among the BE, FE and 
> mysql. and the BE fails to record programs which it ought to have done.
> I haven't spent the time to adequately determine exactly what 
> settings. This does not occur on the myth box at home.
> And yes, it is a big red switch recovery here too.

Thanks. I do have screen saver set to never. I'll check the other 
similar stuff and make sure they're set to never, too. I always turn the 
TV off when not watching it, so screen saver is not needed.


Dick Steffens

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