[mythtv-users] Updated mythbuntu theme version 28

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Apr 4 13:06:31 UTC 2014

Zitat von Thomas Mashos <thomas at mashos.com>:

> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
>> These three issues still haven't been solved with the latest version.
>> - in the recordings screen it's no longer possible to read the
>> recording date, I only see two leading characters of the recording
>> weekday
> I'll look into ways to fix this, but there is only so much space to
> work with. Other people want more space for the title/subtitle, you
> want more space for the recording date. It's difficult to do both.
>> - the header the left column no longer displays the recording group
>> (completely) because it's always cut off a few characters after "All
>> recordings - ".
> I'll look into ways to fix this.
>> One more issue I see: It's hard to see which column is currently  
>> selected in the recordings view.
> It seems clear to me. There are two scenarios.
> 1) You have coverart for your recording. When you are in the left
> pane, nothing in the right pane is lit up and only the selected item
> in the left pane is lit up. When you are in the right pane, the
> selected episode is lit up, the coverart covers the left pane, and
> there is also episode information in the bottom pane.
> 2) You don't have coverart for your recording. When you are in the
> left pane, the selected group is lit up, and nothing in the right pane
> is lit up. When you are in the right pane, the selected group in the
> left pane is lit up, the selected episode is lit up, and there is
> episode information in the bottom pane.

I'll have to review this, but last time I checked, once you had an  
episode in the right pane selected and focus back to left pane, that  
episode still was selected.

Beside that, you are of course wrong, but suprisingly it's still  
possible to miss if you only quickly glance on the screen and focus on  
the selected text, because you want to navigate. I guess it's some  
psychological problem, because the visual difference between having  
the left and right pane active is so strong, if you have coverart  
available. If you only have few recordings without coverart, and  
happen to have such a recording on the top of the list, you can miss  
even the episode information at the bottom, because the eyes are used  
to see a coverart in this case.
How about having a placeholder coverart if a real one is missing?

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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