[mythtv-users] Audio wierdness: AC-3 upconvert. Do I have a problem?

Phil Wild phil at holobyte.com.au
Wed Jun 12 03:27:33 UTC 2013

On 12 June 2013 07:40, Jean-Yves Avenard <jyavenard at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> On 12 June 2013 00:58, Phil Wild <phil at holobyte.com.au> wrote:
> > Hi Mythtv users,
> >
> > I tried something tonight just out of interest. I went into the audio
> setup
> > and selected the AC-3 upconvert option. My frontend is connected to a
> Denon
> > receiver via HDMI.
> no such thing as AC3 upconvert :) there's 5.0 upconvert.
> >
> > When I did this and went through the test, all the speakers were
> configured
> > wrong (e.g. front centre was surround left etc. I thought maybe it was
> just
> > the test was wrong so I put on a movie with stereo/pro-logic audio and
> sure
> > enough, it was now wrong.
> >
> > Do I have a problem somewhere? Where do I look to fix this?
> What's your video card? a nvidia 9400 or something of that series?
> They have a hardware bug with channels being incorrectly ordered.
> Of course there's the obvious possibilities that your amp is wired wrong...
> There are two way you can fix it otherwise:
> - Create an alsa .alsarc that remap your channels differently
> - Force to output AC3, go into the Audio -> Advanced screen, and check
> StereoPCM
> All myth will output is 5.1 AC3 digital... this is not a lossless
> conversion
> _______________________________________________
Thanks, I'll have a look at this tonight. The amp is wired correctly and
works fine with all other sources.
My frontend is a ZOTAC IONITX version 1.

The reason I started fiddling is that recently, I seem to get a lot of
crackling through the rear speakers (most prominently left-rear), only
through mythtv. I first thought it was the speaker or amp, but everything
sounds perfect with other sources. I then put it down to a bad rip but it
is evident in lots of files. I did not notice any of this prior to my
upgrade to 0.26. So I thought I would play with the audio settings and then
noticed this issue.


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