[mythtv-users] Airplay Support?

Kevin Kuphal kkuphal at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 16:30:51 UTC 2011

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Kevin Kuphal <kkuphal at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Anthony Giggins <
> seven at seven.dorksville.net> wrote:
>> The protocol has been reverse engineered for some time now and is in XBMC
>> http://blog.technologeek.org/airtunes-v2
>> and there is also python wrapper script
>> https://github.com/PascalW/Airplayer
>> has anyone looked any further into adding this into mythtv?
>> if not I may look into writing a backend script for the python airplayer
> The backend stuff just looks like a series of wrapper commands to interact
> with a piece of software and telling it to play a given URL as well as
> stop/start/etc. commands.  MythTV already has a telnet interface with a PLAY
> command.  It seems like it would be easy for the backend script to simply
> open the frontend telnet port and issue:
> play file URL
> and then also issue pause/play commands as needed
> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Telnet#play
> Nevermind.  It seems I missed that it's a myth:// URL only.  But that does
seem the logical place in code to add support to play any URL by invoking
the player.

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