[mythtv-users] mythconverg_backup.pl choking on mythweather tables
Michael T. Dean
mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Mon Oct 10 16:40:12 UTC 2011
On 10/10/2011 12:30 PM, Mark Boyum wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Mark Boyum wrote:
>> On Saturday, October 8, 2011, Michael T. Dean wrote:
>>> On 10/07/2011 02:33 PM, Mark Boyum wrote:
>>>> I would like to backup my database but find that the script dies as
>>>> below. I know next to nothing about mySQL and would appreciate any
>>>> assistance.
>>>> How do I remove any trace of mythweatther as we no longer use it? I'd
>>>> like to clean it out of the database entirely and assume that would
>>>> allow the backup script to run.
>>>> ./mythconverg_backup.pl --verbose
>>>> <--- SNIP --->
>>>> Executing command:
>>>> '/usr/bin/mysqldump' --defaults-extra-file='/tmp/b1lBxr5u54'
>>>> --host='localhost' --user='mythtv' --add-drop-table --add-locks
>>>> --allow-keywords --complete-insert --extended-insert --lock-tables
>>>> --no-create-db --quick --add-drop-table 'mythconverg' 2>&1
>>>> 1>'/home/mark/mythtv_backup/mythconverg-1264-20111007131620.sql'
>>>> mysqldump exited with status: 2
>>>> mysqldump output:
>>>> mysqldump: Got error: 1146: Table
>>>> 'mythconverg.mythconverg.weatherscreens' doesn't exist when using LOCK
>>> I'm guessing you won't see a "YES" in the "Support" column for
>>> "InnoDB". That means that your distro disabled the InnoDB storage
>>> engine--because it saves 40MB of virtual RAM--to make a lean-mean
>>> machine for you and broke your MythTV database in the process. If so:
>>> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/419174#419174
>>> (And be very careful with the copy/paste of the command to the shell.
>>> It must end with "EOF" as the entire last line--with no added
>>> end-of-line spaces, which copy/paste is likely to put in. So, I
>>> recommend you copy everything except the "EOF" line, then paste it into
>>> a shell, then make sure you're on a different line from the "DELETE"
>>> line and type in "EOF<Enter>".)
>>> Then, enable InnoDB on your mysql server, then restart mythfrontend and
>>> it will re-create the MythWeather tables (and backup will work because
>>> you won't have broken tables).
>> Thanks,
>> I'll look into Sunday night after the weekend activities are all settled.
> Looks like InnoDB is active.
> I'll have to figure out how to remove 'mythconverg.mythconverg.weatherscreens'.
Try the instructions in the above-linked post. If it really has a
borked name, add the extra mythconverg in the table names in the
command. That command will work properly whether InnoDB is enabled or not.
Also, make sure you move database data using a proper backup/restore
approach, rather than copying raw, binary data files. Perhaps someone
just moved the weather tables into a subdirectory of mythconverg called
mythconverg because of an improper move/"restore" procedure (using
binary data files)?
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