[mythtv-users] HDMI-CEC ?

Dan Wilga mythtv-users2 at dwilga-linux1.amherst.edu
Wed Oct 5 12:39:12 UTC 2011

On 10/5/11 4:58 AM, PJR wrote:
> This looks interesting. I currently run my TV through my Marantz SR5002
> from my mythtv FE/BE box. I use the RS232 port on the SR5002 to control
> the SR5002 including the sleep function which is activated when mythtv
> closes down. The myth box is itself set to close down after 900s if no
> one is logged in but wakes itself up via the m/b RTC if there's a
> programme to record. If the SR5002 passes the CEC commands then I could
> use such a device to control the TV shutdown etc and vice-versa?
Theoretically, yes, if both the TV and receiver support CEC. It's also 
possible that you may have to connect the CEC adapter between the 
receiver and the TV (instead of the computer and the receiver).

I seem to recall that some video cards support CEC commands, without 
using a special adapter. Having upgraded to a newish video card a while 
back, I'm going to look into this further before I buy the adapter.

Dan Wilga                                                        "Ook."

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