[mythtv-users] problem starting LiveTV sometimes because of sometimes cablecard copy protection

Khanh Tran khanh at khanh.net
Sun Nov 20 12:36:52 UTC 2011

I'm running an HD HomeRun Prime and this morning I couldn't start
LiveTV.  The HRHR Prime tuner status showed:

Virtual Channel	705 FOXD
Frequency	705.000 MHz
Program Number	705
Authorization	unspecified
CCI Protection	none
CGMS Protection	protected-aps
Modulation Lock	qam256
PCR Lock	locked
Signal Strength	100% (16.4 dBmV)
Signal Quality	97% (34.6 dB)
Symbol Quality	100%
Streaming Rate	none
Resource Lock	none

Since CGMS protection existed, I'm assuming that's why I couldn't
start LiveTV, but once that show was over, the CGMS Protection went
off and I was able to start LiveTV.  I understand I wouldn't have been
able to watch that show, but is there anyway to get around manually
changing the start channel in the database so that I could at least
choose another channel?

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