[mythtv-users] MythWeather/Perl locale UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 problems ?

Rune Evjen rune.evjen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 21:11:48 UTC 2010

2010/9/26 Michael T. Dean <mtdean at thirdcontact.com>:
>  On 09/26/2010 04:03 PM, Rune Evjen wrote:
>> When using the Norwegian yr.no weather data provider in current trunk,
>> I get what seems to be some UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 encoding problems for
>> Norwegian æøå letters.
>> It seems that the function 'format_date' in
>> '/usr/share/mythtv/mythweather/scripts/no_yrno/yrnoxml.pl' returns
>> no-UTF8 character, even if the locale is/should be correctly set.
>> The small perl test:
>> use POSIX qw(strftime);
>> print strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime;
>> works fine, and gives a UTF-8 display of the date: sø. sep. 26 21:53:30
>> 2010.
>> But in mythtv and when running the yrnoxml.pl script the date is shown
>> like this:
>> ..
>> date-0::ma. sep. 27, 2010 12:00:00
>> date-1::ti. sep. 28, 2010 12:00:00
>> date-2::on. sep. 29, 2010 14:00:00
>> date-3::to. sep. 30, 2010 14:00:00
>> date-4::fr. okt.  1, 2010 14:00:00
>> date-5::lø. okt.  2, 2010 14:00:00
>> ..
>> observation_time::sø. sep. 26, 2010 19:15:00
>> ...
>> Based on my very limited perl understanding the above output is
>> created using the 'format_date' function, which uses strftime to
>> convert the raw data to the date format in the script output, in more
>> or less the same way as my test script which has a correct output.
>> If I convert the output from yrnoxml.pl from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 using
>> iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8<yrnoxml-output>  the norwegian letters
>> are displayed fine.
>> My user locale is set to:
>> rune at server:~$ locale
>> LANG=nb_NO.utf8
>> LANGUAGE=nb:nb_NO:en_US:en
>> LC_CTYPE="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_NUMERIC="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_TIME="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_COLLATE="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_MONETARY="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_MESSAGES="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_PAPER="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_NAME="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_ADDRESS="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_TELEPHONE="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_MEASUREMENT="nb_NO.utf8"
>> LC_ALL=
>> Has anyone seen this before ? Is this a locale configuration issue ?
> Please try:
> export LC_ALL="nb_NO.utf8"
> then run the script.

I still get the same error after exporting LC_ALL:

rune at server:~$export LC_ALL="nb_NO.utf8";
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweather/scripts/no_yrno/yrnoxml.pl -u SI -d
/home/rune/.mythtv/MythWeather/yrno-XML Norway/Hordaland/Bergen/Bergen
| grep ø
date-5::lø. okt.  2, 2010 14:00:00
observation_time::sø. sep. 26, 2010 19:15:00
updatetime::sø. sep. 26, 2010 23:06:56

Based on the email from Gavin Hurlbut I have created ticket:

Best regards,


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