[mythtv-users] Confusing behaviour when deleting recordings in current trunk

Kenni Lund kenni at kelu.dk
Mon Feb 15 18:51:50 UTC 2010


I just deleted a bunch of recordings on a temporary trunk r23560
backend/frontend and I found the deleting behaviour to be quite

Say I have a bunch of recordings in the current view with the Mythbuntu theme:

Recording 1
Recording 2
Recording 3
(etc - more recordings than can be shown on one screen)

If I put move the selection bar to Recording 2 and delete the
recording, I see the following behaviour:
Recording 2 disappears for a second
Recording 2 reappears and selection bar is moved down to Recording 3
After 5-8 seconds Recording 2 disappears permanently and all
recordings below are moved up, including the selection bar

I understand the logic behind moving the selection to the next item,
but is it expected behaviour to have the deleted recording reappear?
If it was possible to remove it in the first place, why readd it?

If you delete several recordings quickly after each other, MythTV will
lack behind and it will now get quite confusing which recordings have
been deleted and which haven't, since you suddently see several
recordings, which you though you had already deleted. At the same
time, when MythTV removes the deleted recordings, the recordings below
and the selection bar are moved upwards, causing even more confusion.

Am I the only one who sees this behavior and finds it confusing?

Best Regards
Kenni Lund

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