[mythtv-users] HD Homerun Prime with MythTV

Raymond Wagner raymond at wagnerrp.com
Sun Aug 29 02:46:39 UTC 2010

  On 8/28/2010 21:42, bhaskins wrote:
> Yeechang Lee wrote:
>> Shawn Asmussen <shawn.asmussen at gmail.com> says:
>>> Actually, the new HDHR looks like it is going to have 3 tuners, so
>>> for your scenario it'd be three monthly STB rentals you could
>>> compare it against.
>> Interesting. I currently pay $22 a month to rent two cable boxes. I
>> don't know how much my cable company charges for an M-Card but my
>> understanding is that most only charge a few dollars a month.
> I have been renting a M-Card for over a year, using it in my own DCH3416.
> Today ( 08/28/2010 ), I received a letter from my cable company saying 
> that as of 08/25/2010
> they will no longer allow this and I am to return this card to their 
> office.
> Isn't it nice of them to give me a negative three days to 
> watch/transfer the shows that
> I have recorded on this box?

I'm pretty sure that's illegal.  The WHOLE POINT of cablecard was so 
that you could buy your own box and rent a cablecard to use it.  You 
should check the actual FCC regulations and file a complaint.

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