[mythtv-users] Backend looses mysql connection

Philippe Van Der Gucht philippe at vandergucht.org
Sun Mar 22 15:18:44 UTC 2009

Hey guys,

I have a mythbuntu v9 (jaunty) system running here and mythbackend is 
having trouble connecting to the mysql db.

This is what I get in the log:
2009-03-22 15:36:45.825 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: 
2009-03-22 15:36:47.992 DB Error (Error clearing channel locks):
Query was:
DELETE FROM eit_cache WHERE status  = 1
Driver error was [2/2006]:
QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
Database error was:
MySQL server has gone away

And it continues for different sql statements with the same result.

The result is that I'm loosing scheduled programs.

What's going on?

My BE version:

Thank you for any suggestion.

PS: I already tried setting connection_timeout and wait_timemout in 
/etc/mysql/my.cnf to no avail.

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