[mythtv-users] Could not connect to the master backend server

Jos Hoekstra joshoekstra at gmx.net
Tue Mar 3 14:09:51 UTC 2009

Paul van der Vlis schreef op 3-3-2009 14:53:
> Hello,
> I removed all mysql and mythtv packages, also all configuration and
> databases. Then I installed new and the problem is gone.
> What I did now, was adding the user "paul" to the group "mythtv". Then
> logout and login and then run the setup for the backend as user "paul".
> Before I did run the setup for the backend as root (wrong!), and did run
> the frontend as user mythtv.
> I have still problems (i only see snow when I try to watch TV...), but
> my first problem is gone.
> Thanks all for your help.
> With regards,
> Paul van der Vlis.

You're welcome, I'm assuming you're on cable? Did you already add 
frequencies or channelnumbers to the channels? Like E5. E12 or something 
like 68 or alike?

Good luck,


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