[mythtv-users] overscan problems with nvidia 8400 GS

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Wed Jul 15 08:12:50 UTC 2009

Tortise wrote:

>I have some knowledge of a four year old Sony DA32 CRT TV, which 
>Sony promoted as "It's a future proof TV - you can enjoy high
>quality HD programs when you connect an optional HD STB 
>(Set-top-box)" and it has a year to go of its five year warranty.
>So here we have a TV still in warranty, future proofed to display HD 
>that the Freeview standard actually precludes, that cannot
>discern the number of lines and there is no way to turn off the overscanning.
>While future proofing can not be expected to be infinite, would it 
>seem reasonable to expect the future proofing to at least last
>for the warranty period?
>I ask, would a consumer be justified in feeling mislead?

Yes, and in this country (UK) I think you'd have a reasonable chance 
of demanding a repair or replacement to fix the 'fault'. Under our 
consumer protection laws, goods must be "as described" and "fit for 
the purpose for which they were sold" - since this was described as 
capable of displaying HD, and sold as such, then they'd struggle to 
claim the fault was not there at the time of manufacture.

When (if) I find myself buying an 'HD' set, I'll be asking the 
retailer some detailed questions AND making them sign a bit of paper 
confirming the specs - in particular that it is capable of taking HD 
from the likes of Blueray players and will display any disk (so if 
the HDCP gets revoked, it's 'broken').

Simon Hobson

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