[mythtv-users] Problems setting up a grabber (was Re: Warning it looks like uk_rt grabber is going to stop working over XMAS again?)
ub40dd at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 10 21:56:24 UTC 2009
Nick, thanks for your reply and sorry for my long absence.
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 9:08 AM, Nick Morrott <knowledgejunkie at gmail.com>wrote:
> > Anyway, what do I do at this stage? For sure I'm not going to enter
> > all that stuff by hand, and I don't think that's what most of the
> > people for whom it works are doing. How else can I resync stuff? Get a
> > database dump of the channel table from someone who sees the same
> > channels and has a working radio-times-grabbing setup?
> At the moment, most people configure things manually once. This may
> involve creating all channels from scratch (which can take a long
> time) or adding XMLTVIDs to existing channels (which is much quicker).
OK, so let's assume we go with this second route.
> It most certainly _is_ possible to take a working DVB-T setup (i.e.
> having previously scanned for channels) and configure each of them
> with a valid XMLTVID. You will need to match up the correct channel
> with the correct XMLTVID which can take some time (but it should be
> clear from the XMLTV file 'channel_ids' which channel is which), and
> will need to update the XMLTV configuration channel at the same time
> to keep everything in sync.
Let's do this by example for one channel and see if I got it right.
mysql> select chanid, channum, callsign, name, xmltvid, default_authority
from channel order by name;
| chanid | channum | callsign | name | xmltvid |
default_authority |
| 17832 | 16832 | BBC FOUR | BBC FOUR | |
fp.bbc.co.uk |
| 5415 | 4415 | BBC NEWS | BBC NEWS | |
fp.bbc.co.uk |
| 5173 | 4173 | BBC ONE | BBC ONE | |
fp.bbc.co.uk |
| 18024 | 17024 | BBC Parliament | BBC Parliament | |
fp.bbc.co.uk |
So at the moment my xmltvid are all empty and I need to fill them up by
I look at the file dump.txt that I obtained by running
tv_grab_uk_rt --quiet --config-file /home/tv/.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv >
and it starts like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
<tv source-info-url="http://www.radiotimes.com" source-info-name="Radio
Times XMLTV Service" source-data-url="
generator-info-name="XMLTV/$Id: tv_grab_uk_rt.in,v 1.198 2008/08/25 02:30:28
knowledgejunkie Exp $" generator-info-url="http://www.xmltv.org">
<channel id="bbcfour.bbc.co.uk">
<display-name>BBC Four</display-name>
<icon src="http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/logo/tv/bb/bbc4.jpg" />
<channel id="news.bbc.co.uk">
<display-name>BBC News Channel</display-name>
<icon src="http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/logo/tv/bb/bbc_news.jpg" />
So, am I doing the right thing if, for BBC FOUR, say, I just poke that "
bbcfour.bbc.co.uk" in the xmltvid column of the BBC FOUR row of the channel
How about your "will need to update the XMLTV configuration channel at the
same time
to keep everything in sync"? I look into /home/tv/.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv and
it starts with
Now, this already seems to have a line "channel=bbcfour.bbc.co.uk"; am I
right in thinking that there's nothing else to update here? In fact, since
the dump was generated from an invocation that referred to this config file,
isn't it easier just to poke the ids FROM this
/home/tv/.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv file into the channel database table without
even referring to the dump.txt file? Or am I missing something?
Start with a clean slate. Choose the 'Delete all video sources' option
> in mythtv-setup (which should remove all existing channels), create a
> new one, and rescan for your DVB-T channels.
OK, got this far (though the numbers are all weird---BBC ONE used to be 1
and I never got that back).
- if you want to use EIT listigs, you need the option enabled on both
> the video source and those channels you want EIT listings for.
OK, got that, and for now it works.
> - if you want to use XMLTV listings, you need both a valid XMLTVID
> associated with each channel,
and an entry in the video source's
> associated XMLTV configuration file for each channel you want listings
> for.
That's what I've done above, right?
> You'll also want EIT disabled for these channels.
If this can be done on a channel-by-channel basis, does this mean I can just
try out the XMLTV method on just one channel, say BBC FOUR, and leave the
others with the tried-and-tested EIT method until I get XMLTV to work? Will
they happily coexist?
Finally, if I do that partial test, how do I "activate" the xml fetching
process without disturbing the EIT one? do I have to enter a
tv_grab_uk_rt --quiet --config-file /home/tv/.mythtv/Freeview.xmltv |
mythfilldatabase --update --file 1 -
command in some screen of the backend configuration? If so, where exactly?
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