[mythtv-users] mplayer scaling

Captain Krypto captainkrypto at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 19:00:07 UTC 2009

This might be a little OT, but I figure that lots of mythtv users are using
mplayer and might know the answer.

Here is the problem:

I have a video file that has a resolution of 936x528 that I am trying to
play on my LCD TV with a resolution of 1366x768.  I thought that since both
the video and screen aspect ratios are 1.77 that mplayer would "upconvert"
the video to fill the entire screen.  However, I am getting black bars on
the top and bottom of the screen no matter what I do.  I've tried lots of
different mplayer options (crop, aspect, etc), but I still can't get the
desired results of the video filling the entire screen.  Here is my current
mplayer command:

mplayer -fs -zoom -vo xv -vf scale=1366x768

I've been google'ing for the last two days... maybe I don't know what I
should be looking for.

Any advice, solutions, comments are appreciated.

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