[mythtv-users] migrated footage only plays on combined FE/MBE

Robert RobertCL at iname.com
Wed Feb 4 11:56:55 UTC 2009

On Wed, February 4, 2009 11:25 am, Glen Hawksworth wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 11:12 +0000, Robert wrote:
>> On Wed, February 4, 2009 7:44 am, Glen Hawksworth wrote:
>> > hi all,
>> > I have just migrated my myth server. I deleted enough TV until it all
>> > fit on my 1000GB drive and then put that drive in the new server.
>> > The new server records to two directories, one on the system HDD
>> (500GB)
>> > and one on the 1000GB. I can access all my old TV on the new server
>> but
>> > I get "The file for this recording can not be found" on the remote
>> > frontends around the house.
>> > I have been working on it for about 24hrs now and consequently have
>> some
>> > new recordings on the 500GB drive. All my remote frontends can watch
>> > this "new" TV and still can't access the old stuff.
>> > What I have done:
>> >
>> >       * chown all old footage to mythtv:mythtv (same with the
>> directory
>> >         including chmod the directory to match the system HDD one)
>> >       * chmod all old footage to rw-rw-rw- (I noticed that the new
>> >         footage has rw-rw-rw for the png files and rw-r--r-- for the
>> mpg
>> >         files. This shouldn't make a difference should it?)
>> >       * tried mounting the 1000GB as "/var/lib/mythtv/recordings2" but
>> >         no difference (I did of course change it in the backend setup
>> as
>> >         well)
>> >       * tried reconfiguring samba and nfs from Mythbuntu Control
>> Centre
>> >         (sometimes this resulted in intermittently being able to
>> access
>> >         the old TV on remote frontends but not my secondary backend
>> with
>> >         frontend. Using the GANNT theme if the program is in grey text
>> >         you can't access it. On the frontends that intermittently
>> worked
>> >         I could get the footage to play by exiting "Watch Recordings"
>> >         and then going back in. However sometimes after scrolling
>> >         through the shows they would turn grey leaving only the new
>> >         recordings white)
>> >       * tried mounting the 1000GB as /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/Drive2
>> >         (other recording directory being changed
>> >         to /var/lib/recordings/Drive1) because I noticed in the
>> smb.conf
>> >         and /etc/exports that Mythbuntu Control Centre had only shared
>> >         recordings and not recordings2. This had no change; no access
>> on
>> >         secondary backends frontend and intermittent access on the
>> other
>> >         frontends.
>> >       * I just (now) tried reconfiguring samba and nfs on the server
>> and
>> >         now all frontends (except the one on the server) only access
>> new
>> >         video and no longer (even intermittently) access the old video
>> >         (but I haven't restarted any systems yet - gotta go to work
>> >         now)
>> >       * The only other variable that I can think of is that the 1000GB
>> >         drive has been mounted by fstab using the line
>> >         "/dev/sdb1 /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/Drive2 xfs defaults 0 0"
>> >         but I can't think how this would affect network browsing. Is
>> >         there a better way of doing it that I should be using?
>> >
>> > I must have forgotten a step because this is not the first time that I
>> > have migrated my server.
>> > Any help that you can give me would be greatly appreciated,
>> > Thanks,
>> > Glen
>> Have you updated the Recorded table in your database to reflect the new
>> hostname?  (Assuming your hostname has changed).  I seem to recall
>> having
>> to do this.  (And also spending hours trying to work out what was wrong)
>> Robert.
> You could have something there, previously I called all the MBE
> PVR-Server but this time I wanted to keep PVR-Server as the SBE so I
> named the new MBE New-PVR-Server. How would I go about changing the name
> in the recorded table?

There is a column called Host in the Recorded table (I think).  Probably
best to have a look and see what you've currently got in that column for
new and migrated recordings.  I'd expect them to be different - i.e. to
see 'PVR-Server' for migrated recordings and 'New-PVR-Server' for new

If thats the case, just update all the rows to have the new server name. 
Some SQL like this should do the job:

UPDATE Recorded
SET Host = 'New-PVR-Server'
WHERE Host = 'PVR-Server';

(Of course make sure you have a DB backup before doing this, just in case,
if you break you DB, don't blame me, etc.)

Maybe just try one one row for a start to see if it fixes your problem. 
I'm sure there's something about this in one of the Myth-Migration guides
I've read, but I don't have a link handy.


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