[mythtv-users] FYI - New HW video accellAPI from NVIDIA

Preston Crow pc-mythtv08a at crowcastle.net
Mon Nov 17 18:38:46 UTC 2008

> >> But GPU fans aren't exactly silent, either.
> >
> > They are when you have a fanless card.
> It seems like if you're doing something heavy-duty like video decoding,
> though, it's gonna need a fan.  After all, you're just transferring load
> from the CPU to the GPU.


The GPU has specialized hardware that can do the same job much more
efficiently, so the amount of actual work done is reduced, hence the
electricity consumed and heat generated by the total system is reduced.

Granted, if you were borderline on needing a GPU fan, this could push
you over the line, but hopefully if it was sold as fanless, it has been
tested to verify that it won't burn out under load.

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