[mythtv-users] Recordings not being stored after upgrading with atrpms.net

Ask Bjørn Hansen ask at develooper.com
Sat Nov 1 05:26:26 UTC 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm running my backends on Fedora 9, using the atrpms RPMs.

After upgrading a week or two ago to 0.21.193.fc9 my recordings aren't  
being saved anymore.  MythTV thinks it's recording, but no .mpg is  
being written.

My setup is server1 is the primary backend server and the one with all  
the storage.  Server2 has the tuner card and is NFS mounting the  
directory (/video/myth/tv on both servers).

This has worked for years, but suddenly stopped.    Transcoding old  
recordings is working; it's just recording new stuff that doesn't.

Any ideas?   I've looked in the log files, but don't get any clues  

  - ask

http://develooper.com/ - http://askask.com/

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