[mythtv-users] OT: Wiring a new construction home for A/V, Ethernet, etc

Travis Tabbal travis at tabbal.net
Tue Dec 2 17:27:55 UTC 2008

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Matt S. <skd5aner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Any thoughts on if I should run my own AC wire as well?  One person
> mentioned that, in addition to all of the A/V stuff, networking, etc
> stuff I should also home run all the electrical stuff to a single
> closet as well to futureproof for home automation reasons.  I hadn't
> planned on touching any of the "hot" stuff like outlets, switches,
> etc...I was going to leave that up to the qualified electrician.  But,
> is this something I should either do myself or ask my electrician to
> do for me?

I would let the electrician handle it. If you can, talk to them and tell
them what you're doing. I did that and they were very helpful. They kept the
hot wires as close together as possible so I didn't have a spiderweb of HV
to deal with. There are always going to be areas where you have to get close
to or cross the HV wires. But if the electrician is nice, you can avoid most
of the issues. Hell, after seeing my work with the LV stuff, they wanted to
hire me. :) That doesn't pay what programming does, or I'd consider it.
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