[mythtv-users] My Upgade Dilema with FC5

CHRIS KOTTING ckotting at wideopenwest.com
Mon Aug 27 15:57:04 UTC 2007

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:18:42 -0400, Rich West wrote
> I just went through upgrading my frontend systems and my backend system
> from FC6 to Fedora7, and I personally didn't have any troubles with
> anaconda.  Additionally, my main video filesystem is ext3 with 
> ~500GB of recording video storage (about 76% used).  I would 
> probably see better performance using jfs or xfs, but that'll be 
> something I tackle at another time. :)
> -Rich

My understanding is that not everyone does have trouble with F7 anaconda, 
but if you do it's a nightmare.

Chris K.

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