[mythtv-users] USB IR receiver for Harmony remote

Calin Brabandt cbrabandt at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 8 22:44:29 UTC 2007

mike at dividia
Aug 8, 2007, 8:41 AM wrote:

> So everything is working now, except I'm 
> disappointed that by using this method I'm 
> limited to the number of buttons on the StreamZap.
> So my cool new Harmony has a ton of buttons I 
> can't use (the Guide and Info to name a few), 
> because the Steamzap doesn't have those. 

One way to use those extra buttons is to "teach" the
Harmony custom codes using an alternate remote.  The
Harmony setup wizard will take you through the process
but you must aim the other remote into the tail end of
the Harmony so it may record (learn) new or
unsupported codes.  It's possible to mix and match the
database codes with codes provided by another remote. 
I do not, however, recall the ability to "import"
extra from an alternate database.  It's been awhile
since I set up my remote and I could be wrong about
that absence of functionality.

If necessary, define a new section in /etc/lircd.conf
just to handle the taught/learned custom codes.  You
should have no trouble using every single button on
your Harmony! ;)


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