[mythtv-users] Supporting schedulesdirect.org

Rod Smith mythtv at rodsbooks.com
Tue Aug 7 23:19:48 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 07 August 2007 18:06, Fred Squires wrote:
> > And, it's been a while since I ran my TiVo, but I believe they do
> > allow file sharing from unit-to-unit... so 2 of them would give me 4
> > tuners, double headed system, for $12/month... I am afraid to guess
> > what a MythTV equivalent might cost!!!
> You can't share videos between DirectTivos only stand alone tivos.  If
> I remember correctly it can only copy between them, not streem, so you
> have to wait for it to copy the video between the boxes.

There was a recent announcement to the effect that TiVo/DirecTV would be 
adding many of the "missing" features to Series 2 DirecTiVos in the near 
future. As I've got an ancient Series 1 DirecTiVo, I didn't pay too much 
attention to this announcement, so I can't provide more details. You might 
dig something up in a Web search or on the DirecTV or TiVo Web sites.

Rod Smith

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