[mythtv-users] some questions about uPnP

Greg Estabrooks greg at phaze.org
Thu Nov 23 20:37:24 UTC 2006

> > On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 12:44:41PM -0600, Matt wrote:
> > > However, that leads me to another question... will myth act as a uPNP client as well?

 As a follow up to my comments in this thread about djmount, 

 Using latest myth svn, and djmount I've been streaming all of my 
mythvideo content to my frontends via upnp for the last week so 
it's definately an option.  This was using Video List, to browse the file 
system with mythvideo on the frontend pointed to the upnp mountpoint.
Right now the upnp code willonly show stuff that has been placed into 
the mythvideo database via the video manager, so right now there is no
"real" directory navigation this way, but I will likely add that at some 

I've been cleaning up any glitches I've found as I find them.

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