[mythtv-users] Strange scheduling problem

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Fri Jul 21 18:03:04 UTC 2006

On 07/21/2006 12:48 PM, chris at cpr.homelinux.net wrote:

>I have noticed in MythWeb that if I select a show in the listings 
>(or searches) and say "find and record one showing of this title" 
>then it's listed as a "find once" rule in the recording schedules 
>page (as expected) but the channel that originally matched the 
>request is also shown as a recording parameter as if I had selected 
>"record at any time on channel ##".  Is this how "find once" is 
>intended to behave?  When I say "find once" I mean find once 
>*anywhere*.  After all, the reason I'm using "find once" instead of 
>"record this showing" is so that Myth can schedule the recording so 
>as to cause the least disruption.

It will still record off other channels, but it remembers which channel 
you used to set the rule.


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