[mythtv-users] No sound while watching/recording live tv in MythTV

John Hartigan cashel at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 03:51:29 UTC 2006

I've got an Ubuntu box running Mythtv 0.19 on an nforce2 chipset w/ onboard
sound/SPDIF. I've got a directv receiver hooked up to svideo/line in on the
PVR-150 and then I have the sound sent out from the SPDIF port to my
speakers. I have sound when I'm playing music, movies, etc. that are stored
on my machine, but I have no sound at all when I try and watch or record
live tv. If I record TV outside of MythTV by using 'cat /dev/video0 >
/tmp/test_capture.mpg' I do have sound. I've messed with the AC3 passthrough
and switching the audio output device between /dev/dsp and /dev/adsp within
MythTV, but nothing seems to make a difference. I've also tried different
settings in my .asoundrc file (switching from digital to analog or mixed)
but the only thing that's done is disable sound output completely. The
.asoundrc file I'm using can be found
Finally, adjusting different settings in alsamixer hasn't helped any either.
I really have no clue where to go from here and would appreciate any and all
help on the matter. Thanks.
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