[mythtv-users] [Fwd: Re: MythWeb "crashed" - submit bug?]

Chris Petersen lists at forevermore.net
Sun Dec 24 18:43:42 UTC 2006

Piers Kittel wrote:
> Not using -fixes, but the latest 0.20 stable release downloaded from  
> the mythtv.org website.
> I know -fixes is more latest, but I tend to prefer using stable  
> releases.  I won't submit the bug then.

-fixes *is* the stable release.  By it's name, it suggests that it's
*more* stable than the tarball, since it has fixes that the tarball doesn't.

New tarballs haven't been made because the vast majority of MythTV users
are using packages, which pull from -fixes, or people who have learned
to use the -fixes branch itself.   I highly recommend that you do this
if you are compiling your own copy, since there are quite a few bug
fixes there which are not in the .20a tarballs on the website.

You can also safely upgrade *just* mythweb, as long as you keep your old
mythbackend.php file around to restore (there was a protocol version
bump, but it didn't affect any other code in mythweb).


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