[mythtv-users] commercial flagging

Brian Wood beww at beww.org
Tue Dec 5 17:27:28 UTC 2006

On Dec 5, 2006, at 10:11 AM, f-myth-users at media.mit.edu wrote:

>> Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 10:43:13 -0600
>> From: "Trey Thompson" <treythompson at gmail.com>
>> On a similar note, I've never seen Closed Captioning on a commercial.
>> Maybe they are out there, maybe I just don't remember.  But, I don't
>> THINK I've ever seen it.  So, on a CC show, you could try that.
> On second thought, it's less rare than I implied.
> Interestingly enough, though, it seems that commercials often look
> different in their use of CC.  E.g., I dump CC info to a file, and
> commercials often look double-spaced in their CC data whereas normal
> shows are single-spaced, or are often in all-caps whereas the show may
> use mixed-case, etc.  However, it's too random to depend on;  
> perhaps it
> might be predictable (or learnable) for certain channels, but it seems
> unlikely there'd be one setting that worked for most people.

A lot of commercials are CCed, and most of the ones that aren't are  
local ones, not national or regional.

At the very least a commercial should issue a "clear" at the start,  
even if it is not captioned, or you can have all sorts of hilarious  
situations where the last line from the preceding program/commercial  
is left hanging.

But it is not consistent enough to be very reliable as far as  
commercial detection.

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