[mythtv-users] Remote button to change Recording Group

David Fishburn fishburn at ianywhere.com
Sat Dec 2 04:30:42 UTC 2006


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org 
> [mailto:mythtv-users-bounces at mythtv.org] On Behalf Of Chris Pinkham
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:19 PM
> To: Discussion about mythtv
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Remote button to change Recording Group
> * On Fri Dec 01, 2006 at 11:00:30PM -0500, David Fishburn wrote:
> > What I would like to do is define a key on the remote to 
> cycle through 
> > the various groups I have already setup.  I don't really 
> see anyway to 
> > do this via keys.txt.
> You can't cycle through them, but if you're running SVN, you 
> can bind a key to the CHANGERECGROUP action and when you hit 
> that key it will popup the group/category list directly 
> instead of having to go through the menu that you get when 
> you press M.  This feature went into SVN a while ago, but it 
> was about a week after 0.20 I believe, so if you're running a 
> released version you'll have to wait till 0.21.  There is 
> also a CHANGEGROUPVIEW keybinding that directly displays the 
> popup that lets you toggle the items being viewed (titles, 
> recordings, watch list, search rules, etc.).

Thanks Chris, I can wait until 0.21.  

How often are typically releases by the way?


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