[mythtv-users] Touchscreen

Peter Osterberg Peter at supergirl.se
Tue Nov 29 14:22:10 EST 2005

Jeff Simpson wrote:
>     To navigate using the keyboard is of course my second option but it
>     isn't quite as cool as navigating with a touch screen.
>     I didn't know that it was possible to tweak the Myth GUI to
>     oprerate on
>     two separate screen as you describe. Are there any HOWTO available
>     that
>     describes how to set that up?
>     I can see how I can manage to get xine or mplayer to display on any
>     device using command line options but how do I do this with the
>     "player"
>     that Myth uses for displaying TV or recorded shows?
> I think the easiest way would be to have it just clone the two 
> screens. I don't believe
> that there are any menu items that are useful while a video is playing 
> (and myth isn't
> designed for multi-tasking like that anyway, I don't believe). I know 
> with my own system,
> I could do something like that because the PVR-350 output can be 
> selected for the player
> and the frontend could be running on a normal X video card by default. 
> The menu screen
> would go black when the video starts on the TV and would come back 
> when the video stops.
> I vaguely remember there being an option that lets you not use the 
> internal video player and
> instead supplant it with an external command. Not sure if it was 
> really there or if I just imagined
> it (or if it's been deprecated).
Would it work to just clone the displays if they are running at diffrent 
resolutions? I guess that a small TFT only might have 640x480 and my 
projector now runs at 800x600 but the new one will run at 1600x1200.

I really think that it would be nice to have this feature implemented.

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