[mythtv-users] Freeze in recording playback

Steve Pugh stevepugh at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 21 14:35:26 EST 2005

David Hampton <hampton-sf at rainbolthampton.net> wrote:    I been having a strange problem for a while now where playback on my
front end freezes randomly.  When it happens, the audio stops playing
and then about a second later the video freezes.  The system is not
hung, as I can hit the skip back button and the system will back up and
then play right through the point where it froze before.  There is no
discernable pattern to these freezes.  Sometimes the system will go 20
minutes between freezes, sometime only 20 seconds.

  Anyone else seen this problem or have any idea of how I can track it
down?  Thanks.
  I wish I had a solution for you, but all I can say is that I, too, have  been experiencing this problem since day one - I believe that it is  related to the PVR-350 somehow, but don't know enough to comment  further.
 I understand that improvements have been made to the  Myth/PVR-350 combo in recent SVN builds, but I'm currently holding out  for the next stable  branch/release/insert-appropriate-terminology-here.  
  Before upgrading to ivtv-0.4.0, I also encountered frequent (i.e., at  least once per day) hard-and-complete lockups of the PVR-350  framebuffer when watching recordings - the OSD would pop up if I  pressed rewind, but the actual buffer was locked.   As you  can imagine, this made for some stressfull "will it or won't it?"  moments whenever it would freeze.
 Since upgrading to 0.4.0,  the hard lockups have been much less frequent, perhaps once per viewing  week.  Still not gone, but better.
  My $0.02.

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