[mythtv-users] Program Guide shifted to the left

sharif ghazzawi sghazzaw at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 1 12:54:52 EST 2005

Hello all,
  I've been using mythtv 0.18.1 for some time know,
and am quite happy w/ it. I have 1 PVR-350 and 1
PVR-250 running on fedora core 3.  One small issue I
have been trying to unsuccesfully resolve, is when I'm
watching live tv, and I go to the program guide, the
whole thing seems to be shifted left.  The channel
icons and channel names are clipped off and there is
some extra space on the right hand side.  I am using
the alpha/transparency mode.  I have searched the
mailing list and have not found posts for this
specific problem.  My setup is not exotic by any
means, so I'm hoping someone else has had experience
w/ this problem.  Thanks in advance for any help.


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