[mythtv-users] mythtv GUI lockups

Pete Stagman tyrstag at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 17:55:42 UTC 2005

Hi All,
 Sorry if this has been answered already, but I haven't been able to find 
this issue in the archives. Recently anyway, there are some old messages 
about old nvidia drivers causing something similar.
 Since upgrading to .018 mythtv gui's keep locking up on me. mythfrontend, 
mythtvsetup both lockup when I try to start them. In mythtvsetup I get the 
message "do you want to clear your card settings?" and the "channel 
settings" messages, then nothing. I get a background and no further. In 
mythfrontend I just get the background. I'm not able to do anything from the 
If I ssh in to the machine then I can poke around and kill X, which is at 
98% CPU usage.
 Any help at all would be appreciated.
  Intel 2.4ghz cpu
nvidia geforce MX440 AGP
512MB ram
FC3 and did dist-upgrade today, latest drivers for everything I can think 
of, didn't fix it.

Lirc, FC3, and an Irblaster?
www.lircsetup.com <http://www.lircsetup.com>
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