[mythtv-users] MythPlugins on SUSE AMD64

Nathan Allen Stratton nathan at robotics.net
Sat Dec 10 21:47:20 EST 2005

I am having some big issues compiling all of the mythplugins on SUSE 10
AMD64. I get -lXmu errors with music and gallery and -lkhtml for browser.

They both are on my box:

opie:/usr/local/src/mythplugins # find / -name libkhtml.so -print

opie:/usr/local/src/mythplugins # find / -name libXmu.so -print

I tried to edit the configure scrip and add them at LIBPATHS="`echo
$LIBPATHS $prefix/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/X11R6/lib | sed
s/'\/ '/' '/g` " (line 265), but that did not help.


ccache g++ -shared -o libmythgallery.so glsingleview.o iconview.o main.o
singleview.o gallerysettings.o dbcheck.o thumbgenerator.o qtiffio.o
galleryutil.o moc_glsingleview.o moc_iconview.o moc_singleview.o
-L/usr/lib64/ -L/usr/kde/3.3/lib -L/usr/lib/qt3/lib64/ -L/usr/lib64/
-L/usr/local/lib -lexif -ltiff -lqt-mt -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lpthread
cannot find -lXmu

ccache g++  -o mythbrowser main.o webpage.o tabview.o moc_webpage.o
moc_tabview.o   -L/usr/lib64/ -L/usr/kde/3.3/lib -L/usr/lib/qt3/lib64/
-L/usr/local/lib -lmyth-0.19 -lfreetype -lmp3lame -lasound -ljack
-L/usr/X11R6/lib64/ -lXinerama -lXv -lXxf86vm -L/opt/kde3/lib -lkhtml
-lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm -lpthread
cannot find -lkhtml

Nathan Stratton
nathan at robotics.net

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