[mythtv-users] real format of .nuv from DVB-T card (mpeg2 with no header?)

Jens Baumeister jens.baumeister at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 11:09:14 UTC 2005

On 8/15/05, Ian Ward <support at cyberpro.com.au> wrote:

> Hey there.  my setup - Mythtv 18.1 with DVB-T cards in Sydney.
> I recorded some shows for a friend, then said I would put the shows on DVD.
> Boy, do I regret that.
> I cannot believe how @#$ hard this is ( especially using bloody Windows )

Easiest Linux-only way I know off:

1. Use ProjectX (http://sourceforge.net/projects/project-x ) to demux
the DVB stream / cut out commercials I do this via X11, but I've seen
a CLI-way to use it somewhere in the archives.

2. Use mplex to bring the streams back together:
mplex -f 8 -o xyz.mpg xyz.m2v xyz.mp2

3. copy the resulting mpg into a DVD file system with dvdauthor:
dvdauthor -o DVD xyz.mpg

4. Repeat 1-3 until you have all the stuff you want on the DVD

5. Finalize the DVD file system:
dvdauthor -T -o DVD

6. Put a blankDVD in your DVD writer and burn the stuff:
growisofs -Z /dev/WHATEVER-YOUR-DVD-WRITER-IS -dvd-video DVD

On my underpowered PIII 600, the whole process takes about 45 Minutes
for an average movie.


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