[mythtv-users] Some prelim docs for pcHDTV and PVR-250 with MythTV on kernel 2.6.7

David myth at dgreaves.com
Sat Jul 17 14:54:58 EDT 2004

David George wrote:

> Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>>     You mentioned finding good specs for modelines at '...' Where's 
>> that exactly, or is it confidential?  :)
>> -Cory
> We all bow to you oh great modeline master :-)  Seriously though, I do 
> anyway.
> I have been struggling with Modelines that I have found while 
> searching the web and the mail lists.  I found an online mode 
> calculator at 
> http://www.hut.fi/Misc/Electronics/faq/vga2rgb/calc.html.  I also 
> tried the videogen tool from 
> http://www.dynaweb.hu/opensource/videogen/.  Most of the information I 
> gathered was from the Myth list, the Xfree86 video timing howto 
> (http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO/index.html), and 
> the Linux HTPC howto 
> (http://www.sllug.org/how-to/linux-htpc/introduction.html).
> I am real close on the modeline, I just can't fix the vertical size.  
> I am beginning to think my cheap Samsung just can't do a true 1080i.  
> It says HDTV 1080i Monitor right on the front of it too.  Oh well, 
> that's what I get for cheaping out (although at $1700 2 years ago I 
> wouldn't call it inexpensive).

All the links you mention are on the wiki  :)

(Along with some of Cory's comments)

Feel free to extend...

PS David, I sent you an off-list mail and your rather zealous anti-spam 
bounced it...
Do you have a particularly protective PC or does it just get jealous of 
other people talking to you?

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