[mythtv-users] Preparing for HDTV in 2005

Joseph A. Caputo jcaputo1 at comcast.net
Mon Aug 16 16:07:38 EDT 2004

On Monday 16 August 2004 14:46, Chris Petersen wrote:
> > Here's what I know of the HD-3000 card.
> s-video is good.  Maybe I'll hold off on a pvr-250 and get one of
> these when it comes out.  Anyone know if it'd be possible to grab
> video from one source (Dish) via s-video and from another (broadcast)
> over the hdtv tuner?
> So does anyone know of a solution for non-broadcast hdtv?  Granted,
> in seattle we get a number of nice hdtv stations over broadcast, but
> I rarely watch anything on them.  Might be worth paying extra for an
> HD box from Dish if I could record from it.

Well, for digital cable there's a card that's puported to handle QAM (no 
Linux drivers, though), but that's only good for unencrypted content, 

Also for cable or satellite, there's a slim possibility that you could 
get a digital stream over FireWire from a set-top box with a FireWire 
port, but in the US (maybe not now, but definitely after July) that 
would probably be limited to 480p or thereabouts.


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