[mythtv-users] Add a local channel when using manual mythfilldatabase updates?

Bruce Markey bjm at lvcm.com
Thu Apr 29 16:59:24 EDT 2004

Jeff C wrote:
> Normally to add it I could just use the add channel function in
> mythtv-setup, but the challenge I have is that the channel has no Zap2It ID
> and it won't let me proceed without one.

What doesn't let you proceed? I just added a test channel with
no "XMLTV ID:" (the zap2it variable that xmltv grabbers use) and
it accepted it just fine. I can see it in the EPG and the grabber
ran just fine. 

> How can I overcome this and add a channel?

If something is complaining, put a dummy entry in this field.

--  bjm

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