[mythtv] Recently MythTV says it needs to upgrade databases on every restart?

Kingsley Turner krt at krt.com.au
Wed Mar 27 19:35:24 UTC 2024

On 28/3/24 00:47, Greg Oliver wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 6:55 PM Kingsley Turner <krt at krt.com.au> wrote:
>     G'day,
>     Re: mythbackend version: fixes/33 [v33.0+fixes.20230210.026e506-0ubuntu0]
>     www.mythtv.org <http://www.mythtv.org>
>     Just in the last few weeks, every time Mythfrontend restarts, it takes
>     ages,
>     then says it wants to upgrade the mythconverg database from 1001 to
>     1025.  I
>     always allow it to, and it mentions the backup, then proceeds normally.
>     On the next restart, it does the same.
> Sounds like you probably have a corrupt MySQL table somewhere. Look into 
> the `mysqlcheck' program.


Thanks for the suggestion.

I ran:
# mysqlcheck --password=xxxxxxxx --user=mythtv  mythconverg

And it reported:
mythconverg.archiveitems                           OK
mythconverg.bdbookmark                             OK
mythconverg.capturecard                            OK
mythconverg.websites                               OK

With every item marked "OK".

It doesn't look like it did anything other than report, but I'll restart it 
to see.


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