[mythtv] web app build warnings

Paul Harrison mythtv at mythqml.net
Sun Oct 8 12:04:03 UTC 2023

On 08/10/2023 04:56, Gary Buhrmaster wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 7:41 PM Peter Bennett <pb.mythtv at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I attempted to upgrade angular at some point during the last year.
>> Everything seemed fine until I ran the application and I was told I did
>> not have a license. After investigating it turned out that you can use
>> old versions for free but to use a current version required a license
>> ($$$). So I went back and upgraded to a slightly newer version that we
>> had been using, but that was old enough to not need a license. I decided
>> to stick with that for the time being.
> Angular (itself) should be free, but some of the
> various additional modules may have moved
> to require a payment (license).  Probably best
> to replace those with a free equivalent (or
> migrate to something else).
> I'll add to my list (to be executed in my copious
> free time (once I find it sometime in the next
> few years or so)) to try to determine which
> modules have gone to the non-free side(*).
> (*) I actually understand.  Supporting "free"
> software is not itself free, and at some point
> one needs to have an income stream for
> doing all the things others ask of you, or
> become starving artists sleeping on the
> sofa's of what will be ex-friends.

It's news to me that we used anything that isn't free to use \0/

I do know some of the cooler PrimeNG stuff requires a paid for license, 
like Prime Blocks, but we don't use any of that stuff. We couldn't even 
if we wanted to since the license prevents you using any of it in an 
open source project. I'm not aware of adding any modules other than 
Angular,  PrimeNG and ngx-translate plus what ever dependencies they 

Paul H.

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