[mythtv] MySQL Database connection through socket fails for MariaDB 10.6

Gary Buhrmaster gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 23:09:29 UTC 2022

On Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 8:55 PM Roland Ernst <rcrernst at gmail.com> wrote:

> This check fails, because MariaDB is configured to use IPv6 only,
> by 'bind-address = ::', the advised setting from the MythTVs wiki.
> The setting of the 'bind-address=::' is advised by the MythTVs wiki for IPv4, too.

Clearly the wiki should get updated to recommend "*"

> If this can be confirmed, we need to update the release notes,

This is arguably an upstream issue (change),
and while MythTV is responsible for its own
documentation (and the wiki) MythTV cannot
reasonably be expected to test all other software
updates (without a much much larger QA staff).
FWIW, the mariadb related bug/issue is at:
which resulted in documentation updates.

An addition to the special notice and instructions
in the release notes for known issues is a good
thought (possibly also mention mythweb needing
to be upgraded if your system is upgrading to
php 8?).  However, realistically, no one reads and
follows the release notes (otherwise they would
have already changed their mariadb bind-address,
because they would have likely researched the
mariadb changes from 10.5 to 10.6).

That said, the packaging that MythTV provides
for debian based repos is, as I recall, the one
that sets the bind-address to ::, and should be
updated (and a new patched package provided)
for those that use the MythTV deb packaging.
Hopefully someone who speaks fluent dpkg
can do so.

And, lastly, I will mention that TTBOMK the
project still has a stated policy of mysql first,
and according to mysql docs it still supports a
:: to mean both all ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
(while also supporting * to mean all, and is
the default for mysql).

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