[mythtv] Remove Fill Packets

George Nassas gnassas at mac.com
Thu Apr 23 15:15:55 UTC 2015

On Apr 21, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Ryan Lavender <ryanlavender at comcast.net> wrote:
> Can someone point me in the right direction for writing a patch to get MythTV to discard fill packets?

If Richard’s suggestion doesn’t work for you try queueing a lossless transcode from the recordings display: Menu -> Job Options -> Begin Transcoding -> Default. There’s a myth-setup option that has be be selected but it’s on by default. Besides executing a cut list the process cleans recordings of transport stream artifacts that aren’t needed for playback. Without a cut list it’s essentially a cleaning operation, you’ll know if it worked by the before / after file sizes.

- George
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