[mythtv] Ticket #10414: HDHomeRun: Bad Recordings (was: Bad Recordings - Choppy Playback)

Tom Lichti tom at redpepperracing.com
Sun Mar 11 17:31:52 UTC 2012

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:25 PM, David Engel <david at istwok.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:13:21PM -0400, Daniel Kristjansson wrote:
>> On Sun, 2012-03-11 at 10:50 -0400, Tom Lichti wrote:
>> > On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Gary Buhrmaster
>> > <gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Then may I respectfully suggest that we are going down the wrong path
>> > on this? I've used the default network settings, the tweaked settings
>> > on the page Daniel suggested, and Daniel's own settings, and none of
>> > them has made a difference. The only thing that made any noticeable
>> > difference was Daniel's commit the other day, but that only made
>> > recordings go from completely un-watchable to highly annoying (and
>> > still un-watchable).
>> Thanks for testing the network settings though it was important
>> to eliminate that possibility. I've also gotten a report off-line
>> that logging is not the culprit. So far the only commonality
>> appears to be high CPU usage. My commit slightly lowered CPU usage,
>> but increasing that timeout further won't do much.
>> I plan to run an oprofile on mythbackend with a couple HDHomeRun
>> recordings going sometime in the coming week. Even though I'm not
>> seeing the issue on my i5, it should still show where CPU is being
>> used and hopefully show something useful.
> I'm running a git bisect today to try to find when the higher CPU
> usage started.  That might not be the real cause of the problem, but I
> still want to figure that out.

Unfortunately I'm out today or I'd do the same. For doing an oprofile,
what is involved? That is something I can do later tonight, if that
would be helpful, and it's just a matter of recompiling and running a


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