[mythtv] Ticket #10414: HDHomeRun: Bad Recordings (was: Bad Recordings - Choppy Playback)

Daniel Kristjansson danielk at cuymedia.net
Sun Mar 11 16:13:21 UTC 2012

On Sun, 2012-03-11 at 10:50 -0400, Tom Lichti wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Gary Buhrmaster
> <gary.buhrmaster at gmail.com> wrote:
> Then may I respectfully suggest that we are going down the wrong path
> on this? I've used the default network settings, the tweaked settings
> on the page Daniel suggested, and Daniel's own settings, and none of
> them has made a difference. The only thing that made any noticeable
> difference was Daniel's commit the other day, but that only made
> recordings go from completely un-watchable to highly annoying (and
> still un-watchable).

Thanks for testing the network settings though it was important
to eliminate that possibility. I've also gotten a report off-line
that logging is not the culprit. So far the only commonality
appears to be high CPU usage. My commit slightly lowered CPU usage,
but increasing that timeout further won't do much.

I plan to run an oprofile on mythbackend with a couple HDHomeRun
recordings going sometime in the coming week. Even though I'm not
seeing the issue on my i5, it should still show where CPU is being
used and hopefully show something useful.

-- Daniel

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